Inkjet printer ink adhesion is an important reference indicator for ink selection, the choice of inkjet printer ink, according to the specificity of different industries, gives the corresponding recommendations.
1, For some need to spray code on food, medicine, should choose food-grade ink or environmental protection ink.
2, For the printing code immediately after the packaging of products, inkjet printer consumables drying time is particularly important, can choose fast-drying ink, can also be taken to add a blowing device to speed up the drying of dry ink.
3, When the packaging material belongs to the high gloss and high density surface should be selected for high adhesion ink, after the completion of printing we also need to test the ink adhesion to ensure that the ink is not easy to drop ink, not easy to wipe off.
4, When the printer is used in the cable industry logo due to the special nature of the cable industry, so should be selected to resist migration ink is better, for the simple reason that the cable in the production process to complete the logo or need to wind the bundle to factory sales, ink migration resistance is not good, then it is easy to cause the logo information blurred migration to other cables.